Callbacks and Mapping

Rigging is designed to give control over how the generation process works, and what occurs after. In fact, higher level functions like .using() and [.until_parsed_as()][] leverage a generic callback system underneath to guide generation. Let’s walk through them.

Watch Callbacks

Pipelines, Prompts, and Generators hold a list of passive callbacks which will be passed Chat or Completion objects as they are generated. Watch callbacks are useful for logging, monitoring, or other passive actions that don’t directly affect the generation process. Register them with any of the following:


We also provide various helpers in the module for writing to files or databases like elastic.

import rigging as rg

log_to_file = rg.watchers.write_chats_to_jsonl("chats.jsonl")

pipeline = (
    .chat("Explain why the sky is blue")

chat = await pipeline.run_many(5)

Until Callbacks

If you want to gain control over the generation process before it completes, you can use the [ChatPipeline.until()] or CompletionPipeline.until() methods.

These allow you to register a callback function which participates in generation and can decide whether generation should proceed, and exactly how it does so. For chat interfaces, these functions also get fine control over the contents of the chat while callbacks are resolving. This is how we can provide feedback to an LLM model during generation like validation errors when parsing fails (attempt_recovery).

import rigging as rg

class Joke(rg.Model):
    content: str

def involves_a_cat(message: rg.Message) -> tuple[bool, list[rg.Message]]:
    if "cat" not in message.content.lower():
        return True, [message, rg.Message("user", "Please include a cat in your joke")] # (1)!
    return False, [message]

chat = (
    .chat(f"Tell me a joke about an animal between {Joke.xml_tags()} tags.")
    .until(involves_a_cat, drop_dialog=False) # (2)!

# [user]: Tell me a joke about an animal between <joke></joke> tags.
# [assistant]: <joke>Why did the duck go to the doctor? Because he was feeling a little down!</joke>
# [user]: Please include a cat in your joke
# [assistant]: <joke>Why was the cat sitting on the computer? Because it wanted to keep an eye on the mouse!</joke>

# Joke(content='Why was the cat sitting on the computer? Because it wanted to keep an eye on the mouse!')
  1. Returning True from this callback tells Rigging to go back to the generator with the supplied messages and rerun the generation step. Whether you’re appended messages are used is dependent on the attempt_recovery=True on ChatPipeline.until(). In this instance our request to include a cat will be appending to the intermediate messages while generation completes. We can essentially provide feedback to the model about how it should attempt to satisfy the callback function.
  2. Our use of drop_dialog=False here allows us to see the intermediate steps of resolving our callbacks in the final Chat. It’s up to you whether you want these intermediate messages included or not. The default is to drop them once the callbacks resolve.

“Using .until on CompletionPipeline”

The interface for a CompletionPipeline is very similar to ChatPipeline, except that you are only allowed to make a statement about whether generation should retry. You are not currently allowed to inject additional text as intermediate context while your callback is attempting to resolve.

Allowing Failures

If you want to allow the generation process to avoid raising an exception when the maximum rounds is exhausted, you can configure on_failed on the pipeline, or pass it directly to various run methods of a ChatPipeline or CompletionPipeline. For single runs, pass allow_failed=True to .run().

This breaks any guarantees about the validity of final chat objects, but you can check their status with the Chat.failed or Completion.failed properties.

In the case of on_failed='skip', the final outputs of any run method could be anywhere from an empty list to a complete list of the requested batch/many.

import rigging as rg

class ValidName(rg.Model):

chat = (
    .chat(f"Provide a fake name between {ValidName.xml_tags()} tags.")

if chat.failed:
    print("Failed to generate a valid name.")

Defining Failures

By default Rigging will catch ExhaustedMaxRoundsError and treat those exceptions as a soft failure you can configure with on_failed. However, you can also add different exceptions to a pipeline with .catch() which will be caught and treated as soft failures.

For instance, some APIs might raise exceptions if you cross some threshold for content moderation, and you don’t want these exceptions to interupt large scale pipelines.

import litellm
import rigging as rg

pipeline = (
    .chat("Tell me about great sci-fi books.")
    .catch(litellm.APIError, on_failed="include") # (1)!

chats = await pipeline.run_many(3)
  1. Here we’re adding a custom exception to the pipeline that will be caught and treated as a soft failure. In the case of litellm raising an APIError, those chats will be marked as failed and included in the final output. You can access the raised error with the Chat.error property.

Then Callbacks

You might prefer to have your callbacks execute after generation completes, and operate on the Chat/Completion objects from there. This is functionally very similar to ChatPipeline.until() and might be preferred to expose more of the parsing internals to your code as opposed to the opaque nature of other callback types. Use the ChatPipeline.then() to register any number of callbacks before executing `

tip “Branching Chats”

A common use case for .then() is to branch the conversation based on the output of the of previous generations. You can continue to chain .then() and .run() calls to create a set of generations that collapse back to the final call when they complete.

import rigging as rg

async def check_animal(chat: rg.Chat) -> rg.Chat | None:
    for animal in ["cat", "dog", "cow", "mouse", "elephant", "chicken"]:
        if animal in chat.last.content.lower():
            pipeline = chat.continue_(f"Why did you pick {animal}?")
            return await pipeline.meta(questioned=True).run()

pipeline = rg.get_generator("gpt-3.5-turbo").chat("Tell me a joke about an animal.")
pipeline = pipeline.then(check_animal)
chats = await pipeline.run_many(3)

for i, chat in enumerate(chats):
    questioned = chat.metadata.get("questioned", False)
    print(f"--- Chat {i+1} (?: {questioned}) ---")

Map Callbacks

Rigging also allows you to map process a group of Chats all at once. This is particularly useful for instances of uses of .run_many()and .run_batch().

You also might want to take certain actions depending on the state of a set of Chats all at once. For instance, attempting re-generation if a certain % of Chats didn’t meet some criteria.


map() callbacks are always executed before then() callbacks. Order is preserved based on when they were installed into the ChatPipeline.

Using .map()
import rigging as rg

async def check_animal(chats: list[rg.Chat]) -> list[rg.Chat]:
    return [
        await chat.continue_(f"Why did you pick that animal?").meta(questioned=True).run()
        if any(a in chat.last.content.lower() for a in ["cat", "dog", "cow", "mouse", "elephant", "chicken"])
        else chat
        for chat in chats

chats = (
    .chat("Tell me a joke about an animal.")

for i, chat in enumerate(chats):
    questioned = chat.metadata.get("questioned", False)
    print(f"--- Chat {i+1} (?: {questioned}) ---")
--- Chat 1 (?: True) ---
[user]: Tell me a joke about an animal.

[assistant]: Why did the duck cross the road? To prove he wasn't chicken!

[user]: Why did you pick that animal?

[assistant]: I chose a duck because they're known for their sense of humor and whimsical nature! Plus, who doesn't love a good duck joke?

--- Chat 2 (?: True) ---
[user]: Tell me a joke about an animal.

[assistant]: Why did the chicken join a band? Because it had the drumsticks!

[user]: Why did you pick that animal?

[assistant]: I chose a chicken because they are often associated with funny jokes and puns due to their quirky and comedic behavior. Plus, who doesn't love a good chicken joke?

--- Chat 3 (?: False) ---
[user]: Tell me a joke about an animal.

[assistant]: Why did the duck go to the doctor? Because he was feeling a little down in the dumps!