The following objects in Rigging have great serialization support for storage and retrieval:

  • Chat
  • Completion
  • Generator
  • Model

Most of this stems from our use of Pydantic for core models, and we’ve included some helpful fields for reconstructing Chats and Completions.

JSON Serialization

Let’s build a joke pipeline and serialize the final chat into JSON.

import rigging as rg

class Joke(rg.Model):
    content: str

chat = (
    .chat(f"Provide 3 jokes each between {Joke.xml_tags()} tags.")


serialized = chat.model_dump_json(indent=2)

You’ll notice that every Chat gets a unique id field to help track them in a datastore like Elastic or Pandas. We also assign a timestamp to understand when the generation took place. We are also taking advantage of the .meta() to add a tracking tag for filtering later.

JSON Deserialization

The JSON has everything required to reconstruct a Chat including a generator_id dynamically constructed to perserve the parameters used to create the generated message(s). We can now deserialize a chat from a datastore, and immediately step back into a ChatPipeline for exploration.

chat = rg.Chat.model_validate_json(serialized)
# [user]: Provide 3 jokes each between <joke></joke> tags.

# [assistant]: 
# <joke> Why was the math book sad? Because it had too many problems. </joke>
# <joke> I told my wife she should embrace her mistakes. She gave me a hug. </joke>
# <joke> Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field. </joke>

continued = chat.continue_("Please explain the first joke to me.").run()
# [assistant]: In the first joke, the pun is based on the double meaning of the word "problems."
# The math book is described as being sad because it has "too many problems," which could be
# interpreted as having both mathematical problems (equations to solve) and emotional difficulties.
# This play on words adds humor to the joke.

Pandas DataFrames

Rigging also has helpers in the module for performing conversions between Chat objects and other storage formats like Pandas. In chats_to_df the messages are flattened and stored with a chat_id column for grouping. df_to_chats allows you to reconstruct a list of Chat objects back from a DataFrame.

import rigging as rg

chats = (
    .chat("Write me a haiku.")

df =
# or
df = chats.to_df()


# RangeIndex: 6 entries, 0 to 5
# Data columns (total 9 columns):
#  #   Column             Non-Null Count  Dtype         
# ---  ------             --------------  -----         
#  0   chat_id            6 non-null      string        
#  1   chat_metadata      6 non-null      string        
#  2   chat_generator_id  6 non-null      string        
#  3   chat_timestamp     6 non-null      datetime64[ms]
#  4   generated          6 non-null      bool          
#  5   role               6 non-null      category      
#  6   parts              6 non-null      string        
#  7   content            6 non-null      string        
#  8   message_id         6 non-null      string        
# dtypes: bool(1), category(1), datetime64[ms](1), string(6)

df.content.apply(lambda x: len(x)).mean()

# 60.166666666666664

back =

# [user]: Write me a haiku.
# [assistant]: Here's a haiku for you:
# Gentle breeze whispers,
# Flowers bloom in vibrant hues,
# Nature's simple bliss.